Monday, September 22, 2008

Mayoral Candidates' Forum on the Environment

Mayoral Candidates Forum on the Environment

October 8, 2008


Theater A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Carleton Campus, Dalhousie University

Join us for a mayoral candidates’ forum on environmental issues in the HRM.

Candidates David Boyd, Peter Kelly and Sheila Fougère will answer questions about the following issues and more:

Public Transit

Renewable Energy

Community Gardens

Bike Infrastructure

Implementation of the Regional Plan

Waste Management

Protected Areas

Harbour Solutions

Uranium Mining

The debate will take place on October 8th from 10am to 11:30am at Dalhousie University (specific location TBA)

Questions from the public are welcome. The event will be moderated by Rick Howe of News 95.7

This event is brought to you by The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, The Ecology Action Centre, The Halifax Student Alliance and SustainDal

For more information go to or or call Mark Butler or Charlene Boyce-Young at 429-2202

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Car Free day

It's car free day in Halifax on Monday September 22nd!

Why Car Free Day? In over a thousand cities around the
world representing over 100 million people, September 22
has been celebrated as Car Free Day (CFD) for the past six
years. CFD is a day to transform pavement to playground,
fumes to fun. It's a day to acknowledge the problems of
cars in our communities, to look at the alternatives, and to
highlight the quality of life benefits of living with fewer
cars, even if for only one day.

At 11:30 am on Car Free Day we will enjoy downtown main streets in car-freedom as we parade en mass from the Public Gardens to the Grand Parade with company floats, musicians, clowns, skateboarders, cyclists, pedestrians, joggers, roller bladders, wheel chair users, stilt walkers, radical cheerleaders, bicycle bell choir and more. The parade will end at noon at the Grand Parade (City Hall), which will be car-free at last (at least for this day)! There will be sod where the Councillors normally park, games, exhibits and throughout the park there will be tents, table
displays, BMX performances, face painting, live music, art exhibits, free bike repair, free
food, dancing and so much more (noon to 3 pm).

So leave the beast at home and walk or ride to work!
Remember, cars = emissions but walking = exercise!


That's right, you can get FREE fair trade organic coffee and tea in the SUB lobby every Monday from 10-12am IF you bring your own coffee mug. You can also pick up Better Side Notebooks and our local ingredient cook book!
See you there!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SYC National Sustainable Campuses Conference

Check out this awesome opportunity that is happening in Sherbrooke, Quebec from October 2-5th

The 10th Annual Sustainable Campuses Conference!

The Sustainable Campuses Conference is different from most conferences. It is an active training ground to empower participants with the skills to lead successful initiatives on their campuses. At the conference, participants will: build and enhance their skills through participatory and engaging workshops and field trips; enjoy group discussions with leading sustainability experts, youth and scholars; and meet hundreds of university students, professors, and university administrators with whom to share success stories.

The Sustainable Campuses conference is a great way to kick off the new school year!

For more information, and to register, check out this link 10th Annual Sustainable Campuses Conference in Sherbrooke, Québec! October 2nd-5th

If you have any questions about the conference, or about travel arrangements, please contact Jessica Dawe, the Atlantic Regional Coordinator for Sustainable Campuses at

Sustainable Campuses hopes to see you in Sherbrooke!

Point Pleasant Shoreline Clean-up

Shoreline Clean up at Point Pleasant Park - Saturday September 20th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In Partnership with Clean NS, the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and WWF

For more info check out their facbook page
(search for "TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup", it's the group with the WWF panda logo)

Federal & Municipal Elections

The Halifax Municipal elections are coming up soon. While many students are not eleible to vote, if you've been living in Halifax for the last 3 months (after July 18th) then YOU CAN VOTE! Don't miss out on this chance to let your candidates know how you feel about student and environmental issues. To register to vote, call 490-VOTE


Also, for goodness sake, vote in the federal elections! The Sierra Club is calling this the Climate Crisis election and we need to demand leadership on environmental issues. Remember, it's not a democracy if you don't participate.

AGM- Sept 25th

We're having our AGM on September 25th at 6pm in room 224 in the SUB, come one out and share your ideas! and bring a mug, we're serving tea

Farmer's Market Tours

- Do you always hear about the Farmers Market but never seem to end up going? Are you curious about what this magical place downtown is, where all who go come back with delicious local, organic food?

Well, next weekend (20/09), a team of SustainDal market experts are going to be leading a little market tour. We'll be starting in front of Howe Hall (on Coburg) at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday and next, and making our way down. We'll give you a little run down on the market, maybe a little map and scavenger hunt, and a once-around the place before turning you loose to shop. Even if you've been to the market before, come out anyway. It will be a ton of fun!

Updated Blogspot up and running!

Welcome to SustainDal's Blogspot where you can find the most up to date information on Dalhousie environmental news and events, as well as information about relevant Halifax events. Check back regularly!

For more information about our history, mandate, structure etc, please visit (coming in October 2008)

Questions? Want to get involved? Contact us at: sustaindal(at)

SustainDal is a Sustainable Campuses Coalition Partner of the Sierra Youth Coalition.
For more information on Sustainable Campuses, visit or contact atlantic(at)