Thursday, December 18, 2008
A disapointing end to COP 14
Canada also had the dishonourable distinction of wining the Colossal Fossil also known as the Fossil of the Year – an award given o the country who has won the most Fossil of the Day awards at the COP. Canada was recognized by the Climate action Network International (a group of over 400 international NGO’s) as the country who did the most at COP14 to obstruct negotiations.
The excuses were plentiful: “We’re waiting for the US to act”, “We’re waiting for China, India and Brazil to act”, “ Our cold climate and long distances between cities prevents us from doing anything”, “We can’t do anything until consumers change their fossil fuel consumption habits” and so on.
So what can we do between now and Copenhagen? Write letters to your MP telling then that the federal governments’ inaction on climate change means not only ill effects for Canadians, but threatens the very existence of many developing and island nations who did contributed almost nothing to the problem. Write to your local and provincial representatives and Minsters of the Environment demanding action at their respective levels of governments. Tell them that in light of federal inaction, we must look to the sub-federal level for concrete action on the issue of climate change. Let’s apply pressure from the bottom up because if we wait for the federal government to act, we’ll all be old and grey (and possibly underwater) when they get around to doing something about it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
great video!
ps: Did I mention that Canada won 4 fossil of the day awards yesterday? Did I mention there are only 3 awards given out? ya well we got 4, we tied ourselves for first place. good lord.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
- Blogs (currently aggregating automatically from 17 youth climate blogs writing on Poznan
- Photos (currently displaying 3 embedded photoshelter galleries)
- Media/Press Releases
- Actions/Events
- Twitter Feed of Poznan
- Mogulus Video Stream
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
UN COP 14 photo campaign - The world is watching
A new photo installation is going up at the COP in a matter of days and we need your help
The message is "the world is watching," and hundreds of pictures of people's faces and eyes will be displayed with a message to cop delegates for urgent action. It's not a branded campaign, just a unified message.
If you want to participate, it's super easy and fun to point a camera at your own face. Or to do it to a friend.
Here's the flickr site for posting:
Hooray for 3 minute projects!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Youth Climate Blogs
It's Getting Hot in Here:
UK Poznan Delegation Blog:
Sunday, November 30, 2008
UN Conference on Climate Change
You may or may not be aware, I am in Poznan Poland at the United Nation Conference on Climate Change (aka the UNFCCC COP 14) and I’m here representing the Sierra Club Canada. As the project Coordinator for SustainDal, I wanted to share some of my experiences with you. This is a 12 day conference and will be covering a huge number of topics and issues within those topics.
I’m staying with the Canadian Youth Delegation at a hostel (imagine 30 young environmentalists crammed into a handful of 8-bed per room dorm rooms- let me tell ya, it’s hectic!) And these are some of the brightest and most talented young activists in Canada, they are incredibly inspiring people. They are representing a huge range of local and national organizations who are running brilliant climate change campaigns for thee negotiations and I plan to send out some links to these sites to SustainDal members because we have power in numbers.
2 things are vital, and we need you help:
1: the emissions reduction target for the post Kyoto period (after 2012) will be decided in Poznan. The IPCC is calling for a 25-40% reduction beyond 1990 levels by 2020 and many countries feel that this number is too high. IT IS NOT TOO HIGH. The 25-40% range will result in a 2 to 2.4 degree change in the global climate. However the Climate Action Network (a group of global ENGO’s) are demanding a MINIMUM f 40% reductions to avoid a global environmental catastrophe because they feel that even a change of 2 degrees will be far too much. We need you to lobby the Canadian government to support this target range (25-40%) during the negotiations. That means today! Contact your MP and demand the most stringent reductions from Canada, one of the worst polluting countries in the world. Keep an eye out for Avaaz-type e-petitions as well.
2: The Canadian Government may fall on December 8th a coalition government may take its place. If this happens, it’s possible that Canada could reverse its Kyoto position DURING the conference. We could turn things around. Canada has always deliberately and shamefully blocked negotiations, and only the US is a worse offender than us. We need you to write to the Canadian government and tell them that you want to see a coalition government (and not one between the conservatives and NDP that we’ve head rumours about). The conservative government has had an abysmal track record concerning climate change and are oblivious to the absolute urgency of this issue, let’s get them out of power and take some real action on climate change for once! Write to your MP and tell them what YOU want from YOUR government!
I’ll be writing an update every few days. You can also check out my Sierra Club blog for more details on the daily developments here in Poznan at
Also, please go to the International Day of Action on December 7th at Back Rock Beach in Point Pleasant park and show our federal government that they need to act now to meet our Kyoto commitments. For more info, keep an eye on the SustainDal emails, go to or email
Until next time!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Oscar’s 5-day program to lose waste and keep it off!

-How to lose waste by watching what you consume-
Waste Watchers Recipe
Travel Mug Pie
SUBMITTED BY: Muggy Mondays

"I am an avid coffee drinker and love my travel mug. I have reduced my waste and can even save money at certain coffee establishments"

SERVINGS endless
o Travel Mug
o Fair Trade Organic Coffee or Tea
o Organic sugar (optional)
o Local organic milk (optional)
1. Obtain a travel mug
2. Bring travel mug to: school, on a drink run to local coffee shop, for car road trips
3. Drop by Muggy Mondays in the SUB lobby and get FREE FAIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE and TEA every Monday morning
4. Save the planet; one disposable coffee cup per day creates 10 kilograms of waste a year.
5. Repeat in 24hours
Share you story by posting a comment below.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Hour's One Million Acts of Green!
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos, Canada’s late-night talk show, and Cisco are partnering to spearhead a massive, nationwide environmental movement. This fall, CBC and The Hour will mobilize Canadians to commit One Million Acts of Green. In partnership with Cisco, and the power of their ‘Human Network Effect’, the collective goal is to change how we live and how we treat the planet, one act at a time.
It’s not about overhauling your life; it’s about one act from each individual amassing to a million. Maybe it’s switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs, making the decision to walk or bike to work, or to buy locally-grown organic food. It can be as simple as recycling your cell phone or as ambitious as building a green roof space. One small thing can have a huge impact. Young and old, parents and kids, small towns and big cities, The Hour wants Canadians to take action for the sake of the environment.
All Canadians have to do is commit one act of “green” (or more), then register the act. There will be a highly interactive One Million Acts of Green (OMAoG) website ( where anyone can log their acts and see an immediate impact via an extensive green calculator designed by GreenNexxus. The site will also be a hub of information about OMAoG, and will serve as an educational resource of “green” content. Registrants will be able to learn more, inspire and challenge others to act.
The campaign will officially kick off on Tuesday October 21, 2008 and will run over The Hour's entire upcoming season, through to June 2009. George and The Hour will unite with other CBC programs to 'go green,' including CBC News, Kids’ CBC, Steven & Chris, Living, CBC Sports and others. The call is out to everyone: politicians, celebrities, athletes, businesses, schools and universities. Everyone. OMAoG has recruited some big time environmental partners who will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us for the duration of the campaign: Clean Air Foundation, The David Suzuki Foundation, Earth Day Canada, Environmental Defence, Evergreen, Green Street (managed by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation) and The Climate Project-Canada are all non-profit, ENGO’s. They are results-based, community-centred and absolute authorities on what it takes to get to ‘green.’ Their support and commitment to OMAoG is invaluable.
The Hour is the only talk show in Canada that, night after night, delivers the best conversations with an incomparable line up of guests. The Hour has featured some of the leading environmentalists in the world and key issue makers including, Al Gore, Dr. David Suzuki, Sir Richard Branson, Bjorn Lomborg, Dr. Jane Goodall, Tim Flannery, Terri Irwin, and Arnold Schwarzenegger - making The Hour a perfect vehicle to take this topic and this challenge direct to Canadians.
OMAoG exemplifies what Canadians do best, being a part of a collective. To be bigger than the individual, and to see what can be achieved by working together in a human network, is intrinsically Canadian. The goal is set: the challenge is on to make our lives, our communities, and our environment greener. One Million Acts of Green, one act at a time.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Energy at Dalhousie Lecture Series
Energy at Dalhousie Lecture Series
Dalhousie’s continuing series of lectures on relevant energy issues
Sponsored by Nova Scotia Power
Climate Change: What Works?
Presented by Jeffrey Simpson
The Globe and Mail’s national affairs columnist
Co-author of “Hot Air: Meeting Canada's Climate Change Challenge”
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Reception 5:15 – 5:45 pm
Lecture 6:00 - 7:30pm
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie Law School
Room 105
6061 University Avenue
Halifax, NS
Everyone welcome
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Carbon Jargon- Making sense of cap & trrade and carbon tax - October 6th
6-7 pm, Monday, October 6th.
Room 105, Dalhousie Law School, 6061 University Avenue.
Hear Meinhard Doelle, Environmental Law, Dalhousie and Leslie Malone, Environment Northeast, PEI discuss:
What are cap & trade and carbon tax? How do they work? Do they significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Who pays? What are the overall economic implications? What can we learn from the experience of other countries?
Get the basic facts. Then go to the Halifax-riding federal candidates debate at 7 pm, Dalhousie Student Union Building, and ask the candidates about their positions.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mayoral Candidates' Forum on the Environment
Mayoral Candidates Forum on the Environment
October 8, 2008
Theater A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Carleton Campus, Dalhousie University
Join us for a mayoral candidates’ forum on environmental issues in the HRM.
Candidates David Boyd, Peter Kelly and Sheila Fougère will answer questions about the following issues and more:
Public Transit
Renewable Energy
Community Gardens
Bike Infrastructure
Implementation of the Regional Plan
Waste Management
Protected Areas
Harbour Solutions
Uranium Mining
The debate will take place on October 8th from 10am to 11:30am at Dalhousie University (specific location TBA)
Questions from the public are welcome. The event will be moderated by Rick Howe of News 95.7
This event is brought to you by The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, The Ecology Action Centre, The Halifax Student Alliance and SustainDal
For more information go to or or call Mark Butler or Charlene Boyce-Young at 429-2202
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Car Free day
Why Car Free Day? In over a thousand cities around the
world representing over 100 million people, September 22
has been celebrated as Car Free Day (CFD) for the past six
years. CFD is a day to transform pavement to playground,
fumes to fun. It's a day to acknowledge the problems of
cars in our communities, to look at the alternatives, and to
highlight the quality of life benefits of living with fewer
cars, even if for only one day.
At 11:30 am on Car Free Day we will enjoy downtown main streets in car-freedom as we parade en mass from the Public Gardens to the Grand Parade with company floats, musicians, clowns, skateboarders, cyclists, pedestrians, joggers, roller bladders, wheel chair users, stilt walkers, radical cheerleaders, bicycle bell choir and more. The parade will end at noon at the Grand Parade (City Hall), which will be car-free at last (at least for this day)! There will be sod where the Councillors normally park, games, exhibits and throughout the park there will be tents, table
displays, BMX performances, face painting, live music, art exhibits, free bike repair, free
food, dancing and so much more (noon to 3 pm).
So leave the beast at home and walk or ride to work!
Remember, cars = emissions but walking = exercise!
See you there!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
SYC National Sustainable Campuses Conference
Check out this awesome opportunity that is happening in Sherbrooke, Quebec from October 2-5th
The 10th Annual Sustainable Campuses Conference!
The Sustainable Campuses Conference is different from most conferences. It is an active training ground to empower participants with the skills to lead successful initiatives on their campuses. At the conference, participants will: build and enhance their skills through participatory and engaging workshops and field trips; enjoy group discussions with leading sustainability experts, youth and scholars; and meet hundreds of university students, professors, and university administrators with whom to share success stories.
The Sustainable Campuses conference is a great way to kick off the new school year!
For more information, and to register, check out this link 10th Annual Sustainable Campuses Conference in Sherbrooke, Québec! October 2nd-5th
If you have any questions about the conference, or about travel arrangements, please contact Jessica Dawe, the Atlantic Regional Coordinator for Sustainable Campuses at
Sustainable Campuses hopes to see you in Sherbrooke!
Point Pleasant Shoreline Clean-up
In Partnership with Clean NS, the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and WWF
For more info check out their facbook page
(search for "TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup", it's the group with the WWF panda logo)
Federal & Municipal Elections
Also, for goodness sake, vote in the federal elections! The Sierra Club is calling this the Climate Crisis election and we need to demand leadership on environmental issues. Remember, it's not a democracy if you don't participate.
AGM- Sept 25th
Farmer's Market Tours
Well, next weekend (20/09), a team of SustainDal market experts are going to be leading a little market tour. We'll be starting in front of Howe Hall (on Coburg) at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday and next, and making our way down. We'll give you a little run down on the market, maybe a little map and scavenger hunt, and a once-around the place before turning you loose to shop. Even if you've been to the market before, come out anyway. It will be a ton of fun!
Updated Blogspot up and running!
For more information about our history, mandate, structure etc, please visit (coming in October 2008)
Questions? Want to get involved? Contact us at: sustaindal(at)
SustainDal is a Sustainable Campuses Coalition Partner of the Sierra Youth Coalition.
For more information on Sustainable Campuses, visit or contact atlantic(at)